Saturday, 30 April 2011

Webcomic zone!

Since i review games i will be also reviewing webcomics. I will be also posting links on my blog. First review will be Questionable content. A webcomic about an indie music lover and his robot computer named pintsize who struggles with everyday life trying to manage his love life as well as trying to stop pintsize from destroying his apartment. Its one of those webcomics that has a story arc you need to read the first webcomic to understand the storyline. Its got great humor some indie music references and some internet culture jokes. 

Jeph Jaques if you are reading this please mention my blog!

Alpha Protocol

Well I said i was gonna do it and im gonna do it. Alpha protocol was Obsidian entertainment's stab at an espionage RPG. I bet you're thinking that sounds cool sounds fuckin kick ass! But sadly no Obsidian fucked it up How you may ask? Well first off they started with a mediocre storyline. Basically your a marine who has to stop a terrorist attack.. Oooh thats so original please i have seen more originality from a fuckin five year old finger painting! The game has so many flaws.. The voice acting is pretty generic..Think of tom cruise but more of a b-movie quality..Yeah..its that generic. I have played a lot of games in my time some of which has great voice acting and well some..that makes me wanna turn down the game's audio volume.. Now im not saying the game is not all bad.. it has only one good point.. And that is the upgrade system.. It follows the basic Rpg leveling up system but you can see it work for your character. But sadly..most of the skills are barely useless.. Obsidian thank actually developed a good game for once.. fallout new vegas!

im gonna round up this review with my final verdict.. Don't waste your hard earned cash on of sega's many published abortions. Buy a good game like black ops or Assassin's creed: Brotherhood. 0/5 Hot damns.. I think it deserves a Are you kiddin me award for being the shittiest game i have ever played.

Next game i will be reviewing is believe it or not a flash game! Yep a flash game. Alien Hominid a game that made its debut on!

Keep on gamin gamers

Friday, 29 April 2011

Myst review

Im gonna review Myst i have become a bit obsessed with it in the past month. I have recently bought the whole myst game collection excluding uru (Uru was a spin off game that lead to the Myst MMO uru live Think myst in 3rd person). Myst was one of the first point and click games to include 3D unrendered graphics. Myst also had realtime video with real life actors the actors were played by the game's creators Rand and Robyn Miller. Rand has played the role of Atrus in nearly every Myst game excluding Uru. How cool is that? Having two awesome skills acting and developing fiendishly difficult games that will make you rip your hair out if you don't know what the fuck you are actually doing!!? The game's story is You touch this magical book known as an Age. You then pick up a note from Atrus telling his wife he has left a message for her. You then find out Atrus' sons have burned all of his books as a way of rebelling against him and has trapped them in prison ages. Once you have activated their books you are told to get all of the red and blue pages which will release them. (I smell a cuppa kharma bewin!).  You then find out some of his books haven't been burnt and give you some hints on how to access the other ages mentioned in the books. Each age contains a blue and red page  blue for sirrus and red for achenar. After you have completed the puzzles you then find a message telling you were to find the final white page. But this is where it gets interesting and boy do i mean interesting.You find out that Atrus has been hiding underneath the Myst island.. the sneaky bastard. He then tells you he's grateful for helping him find his final page you can then give him the page..or if you wanna be a evil little bastard give the pages to sirrus and achenar.  The game spawned sequels and an MMO.. The puzzles in the game are fiendish hell the instruction booklet tells you to get a pen and a notebook. If you look up the recent jewwario video on you can see him writing a crapload of notes and sketchings. I would recommend using a walkthrough from gamefaq would ruin the fun of playing the game.

To round up this review. Myst is a great game no doubt about it. I would highly recommended it for point and click fans and people who love a good story. Im gonna give it five hot damns out of five.

Next time ill be bad it should be burned and lock the ashes of said game in a safe! That game will be Alpha Protocol.

See you later gamers

Up and Running!

Welcome to my blog im Thatdamncritic. I started this blog because a lot of people have been reviewing things they have wanted to review and i wanted to get a piece of the action so i started this blog!. I will be doing my first game review. Myst

More reviews to follow and i wont have this site for long i am on the hunt for people who can create websites if you know anyone who can code in html and c++ please drop me a comment!