Saturday, 30 April 2011

Alpha Protocol

Well I said i was gonna do it and im gonna do it. Alpha protocol was Obsidian entertainment's stab at an espionage RPG. I bet you're thinking that sounds cool sounds fuckin kick ass! But sadly no Obsidian fucked it up How you may ask? Well first off they started with a mediocre storyline. Basically your a marine who has to stop a terrorist attack.. Oooh thats so original please i have seen more originality from a fuckin five year old finger painting! The game has so many flaws.. The voice acting is pretty generic..Think of tom cruise but more of a b-movie quality..Yeah..its that generic. I have played a lot of games in my time some of which has great voice acting and well some..that makes me wanna turn down the game's audio volume.. Now im not saying the game is not all bad.. it has only one good point.. And that is the upgrade system.. It follows the basic Rpg leveling up system but you can see it work for your character. But sadly..most of the skills are barely useless.. Obsidian thank actually developed a good game for once.. fallout new vegas!

im gonna round up this review with my final verdict.. Don't waste your hard earned cash on of sega's many published abortions. Buy a good game like black ops or Assassin's creed: Brotherhood. 0/5 Hot damns.. I think it deserves a Are you kiddin me award for being the shittiest game i have ever played.

Next game i will be reviewing is believe it or not a flash game! Yep a flash game. Alien Hominid a game that made its debut on!

Keep on gamin gamers

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