Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Reviewing ARG

I know this is gonna seem odd but I don't see a lot of game reviewers reviewing these games. But hell its an interesting genre. Now i have just signed up to a new ARG called Test subjects needed however i don't know what the game is about or what company is endorsing but it has an interesting concept so far. Now i have also been following this ARG called Marble hornets. Its more of a series than an ARG. Its about two film students alex and Jay.. Basically Jay is a film student and alex is a budding film maker so Jay goes and sees his film which he calls "Marble Hornets".. well its better if i let you see it for yourselves because..Its hard to explain the storyline. Youtube Marble Hornets and you'll see oh its better to start with the first entry you need to watch all of them to understand what is going on

Thursday, 9 June 2011


Im heading to q-con in two weeks time and i will be checking out whats going down. I will be taking a lot of pics with my iphone.  Q-con is Northern ireland's Gaming and anime convention they have tournaments,cosplay, LARPS and tabletop games. Oh also I got infamous so i will be reviewing that eventually.

"and so he fired the cannons"


Monday, 6 June 2011


E3 is here and holy shit and do i mean HOLY SHIT! They have outdone themselves this time Skyrim, MW3, Kinect Star wars and fable 4. Now From what my sources tell me Skyrim will include dual weapon wielding and dual spell casting and also You get your own dragon. YES A FUCKING DRAGON!!!!! Now i couldn't believe it at first but when i saw the screen shots i was..stunned. It was that fucking powerful. Also Mass effect 3 will include kinect controls hmm bioware are you sure about this i know the kinect is the newest xbox accessory but are you willing to risk your award winning series for a motion sensor controller?  Well guess who is also risking their trilogy with the kinect..Yep Lionhead studios rpg series Fable. They are bringing out Fable 4 which will be played in first person by using the kinect controller. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST..Stop going with gimmicky gadgets.. Now There is one game that is actually making use of the Kinect controller. KINECT STAR WARS it was gonna happen and it finally did Lucasarts announced it this will be an amazing game. I can see people coming around and holding their air lightsabres and fighting darth vader. Also Its been announced SAINTS ROW THE THIRD is coming out in november 31st 2011. However Violation have only released a trailer. Oh yes..HALO IS BACK! Bungie announced 3 untitled halo titles. Halo 4 is official they have released a teaser trailer featuring that blue haired computer prorgam cortana! Man..this is too much for me.. Im gonna take a break. See you later.


PSN is back up and get your hands on some free games!

Sony have finally got the playsation network back up and running. This is great for playstation gamers they have kindly given us free downloadable games from the playstation store as well as free 30 days of playstation plus which allows us to buy games at a discounted price and some of the games are free (even better more free games! WOO!). Now Sony has also stated they will be doing something for playstation home however there isn't any word on what content they will be giving out maybe new areas or even premium content which would be a good idea. Now I was annoyed when i first heard they were hacked but i was surprised when i found out who did it a Hacker group who go by the name LulzSec. They have been hacking game corporations such as Nintendo and Sony. This could mean Microsoft could be next however this is very unlikely due to the fact Microsoft has hired professional moderators and computer secruity experts to prevent their servers from being hacked.
