Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Reviewing ARG

I know this is gonna seem odd but I don't see a lot of game reviewers reviewing these games. But hell its an interesting genre. Now i have just signed up to a new ARG called Test subjects needed however i don't know what the game is about or what company is endorsing but it has an interesting concept so far. Now i have also been following this ARG called Marble hornets. Its more of a series than an ARG. Its about two film students alex and Jay.. Basically Jay is a film student and alex is a budding film maker so Jay goes and sees his film which he calls "Marble Hornets".. well its better if i let you see it for yourselves because..Its hard to explain the storyline. Youtube Marble Hornets and you'll see oh its better to start with the first entry you need to watch all of them to understand what is going on

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