Monday, 16 May 2011


Well im back and i have got my hands on splash damage's new release Brink. Now I have beeen hearing alot of rumors "oh its laggy its buggy and its repetitive". First off its not buggy and laggy it is however repetitive this could be fixed if there is a sequel or upcoming add ons. Now let me start with the story. Brink is split into two factions the security and the resistance. The security are the ark's police force who are trying to save the ark from being destroyed. The resistance are trying to escape the ark and contact the outside world for help. Thats pretty much it once you choose your faction you'll progress later on the story and find out what is really going on between the leaders of the factions. Now the voice acting is well..not bad but it could be improved. Now the customisation options is where the game shows its potential. You can modify your weapons by adding on scopes, grips , extended magazines and nozzles. For your character customisation you can give him scars , tattoos, gas masks. crazy hair , destroyed clothes, Taunting masks.

You can change your character's body type. Which i have to say is a first but it does have its advantages and disadvantages if you are going with a medium build character he can move all over the map and nearly carry every weapon in the game. With a light build character they can easily climb walls and obstacles but can only carry light weapons some of which don't do a lot of damage. The heavy build can carry the BFGs and cant climb shit. But this is good gameplay and i like it. Brink has classes that are similar to Team Fortress 2. You got your solider, operative (spy) , engineer and your medic. Each class has a objective that only they can complete if there are other team members who are the same class as you they will try to help you complete your objective.  I haven't played multiplayer yet but there might be a reason why I don't do multiplayer i am an acheivement whore..I played the game to get achievements as well as to review it. Now to finish this review off i would like to say this im sorry i didn't review alien hominid ill review later on in the near future and possibly get an interview with the creator tom fulp. My next review will be LA NOIRE.

"creamy gaming goodness"

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