Sunday, 22 May 2011


I just got my hands on a copy of LA NOIRE. Well first off i would like to say its got everything a gamer could want. A great storyline great cast of voice and facial actors. The gameplay is simple to pick up when you arrive at a crimescene you have to explore the area for clues such as murder weapons personal belongings of the victim. After you have gathered clues you will have to interview a witness or a suspect. The suspect will not be entirely honest you can either be doubtful or honest or even ask if they are lying. If the suspect is lying you can show them evidence. Once you have asked the questions properly you can either arrest the suspect or try and find the real culprit. Now ill talk about the evidence inspection when you pick up a piece of evidence you will go into inspection mode. When the controller vibrates that will indicate a spot that needs to be examined more in detail. You will need to rely on the vibration at all times. I am still playing the game so I guess this review ill be a two parter. Oh and i will be reviewing the dlc and the badge pursuit challenge.

Im gonna set up a paypal account soon. So if you want to donate some money to the site which will allow me to buy games for me to review.

I also have xbox live if you wanna add me on it its: thatkidwithpies

"my hands are glued to the controller!!"

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